How Self-Care Can Help You Weather The Winter.

As the nights grow longer and the weather gets colder, the risk of Seasonal Affective Disorder increases. The Beginning of Winter marks one of the most hectic, and for some, downright depressing times of the year. The constant GO, GO, GO of the Holiday rush, end-of-year wrap-ups, and a million other things are constantly vying for our attention. During this time, it’s so important to take extra care of yourself. Here are some ways you can make this time of year more bearable.

Create A Cozy Space

The Danes have a concept known as Hygee (Hoo-ga), the Norwegians have Koselig (koosh-lee), and the Swedes Mysa (mee-sah). All of these words roughly translate to “cozy,” though they encompass so much more! It’s a mood, a vibe, a way of living! I bring this up because if anyone knows how to deal with the cold and dark of winter, it’s our friends in Scandinavia! There are similar concepts across the world, but we'll just leave it at that for now.

So, now that the vibe is right, put on your favorite jammies, brew a cup of tea or hot drink of choice and snuggle up! As a person who celebrates Christmas, I also take that as an excuse to go crazy with the warm, cozy vibes! love the warm glow of fairy lights and hot cocoa with extra marshmallows, or hot cider with cinnamon. But, before we get too comfy, we need to do our skincare routine.

Spread the Cheer to Your Pores!

Skincare is a phenomenal way to show yourself a little extra love. I have designed an entire ritual around self-care, which you can pick up at Lively, but, you don’t need a kit to elevate your skincare routine.

I think a lot of us think of skincare as a chore, just another thing to check off the to-do list. I find that incredibly sad! Skincare can be one of the most healing things we do for ourselves!

I use my nighttime routine as an opportunity to check in with myself. If you’re feeling a little tender at the moment, be gentle with yourself. Repeat positive affirmations to yourself, even if you don't believe them yet. I know, affirmations are all over self-help Instagram, but I think its for good reason. Tell yourself nice things about yourself (“I am good at _____.” “I love my eyes.") After you tell yourself beautiful things, spend a little extra time on facial massage. (If you aren’t sure how to massage your own face, there are a ton of tutorials on Instagram, I have some on my profile, or you can search the app. I have put together a Guide full of massage demos from myself and a few accounts I trust.)

Of course, you can also show yourself some love by scheduling a Facial! Facials are such an amazing way to pamper yourself. In addition to the benefits facials have on the skin, they are also healing for the body, mind, and soul! They facilitate deep relaxation, reducing stress and helping you to feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the world! You can schedule facials HERE!

Lean In to the Season

A great way to combat anxiety/depression about the holiday season is to lean in. What does that mean? Go pumpkin carving with your friends, read a spooky book all alone. I’m looking at you introverts! Do something with your hands, bake a cake from scratch, drink pumpkin spice lattes!

Christmas, Thanksgiving and Halloween are about connecting with each other and your community. Hygge is all about connecting with those around you in a safe, warm, comfortable setting. Make delicious food, play board games, just as the Earth needs winter to rejuvenate, you can use winter to fill your spirit.

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*Disclaimer: This is NOT intended as medical advice. For some people, simply “self-caring” through a mental health crisis is ineffective. Please seek the advice of a mental health professional if you are thinking of harming yourself or others.


Transitioning from Summer to Winter Skincare