What should your nighttime skincare routine look like?

Want to wake up to a glowing complexion? This post is going to cover everything you need to know about creating a nighttime skincare ritual that works for you!

The internet is completely saturated with people giving skincare advice, whether they are qualified or not. Influencers are constantly recommending products, for better or worse. Estheticians and dermatologists are shouting over each other to have their voices heard, and nobody seems to be able to agree on anything. 

Skincare isn’t one-size-fits-all. It’s not even one-size-fits-many. Skincare is completely personal and individualized. All the chaos and commotion on the internet doesn’t really do anyone any good when it comes to putting together skincare rituals that help their skin and suit their lifestyle. I highly recommend working one-on-one with an esthetician to help you put together a skincare ritual designed for you. 

When designing a skincare ritual there are a few things to keep in mind. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • What is my skin type?

  • What is my biggest concern with my skin?

  • How much time/effort am I realistically able to dedicate?

  • What does my current nighttime routine look like?

What is your skin type?

Knowing your skin type is extremely important when it comes to designing a skincare ritual that works for you. But, it is slightly more complicated than oily, combination, normal, and dry. When looking at your skin type, you should also take into consideration what condition your skin is in. If your skin is oily, but you have surface dehydration, you’ll want to treat your skin differently than someone with a classic oily complexion. A few skin conditions to be cognizant of are:

  • Rosacea

  • Eczema

  • Seborrheic dermatitis

  • Acne

  • Dehydration

  • Sensitivity/sensitization

What is your biggest concern with your skin?

I am not the type of esthetician who believes that skin has flaws or problems. Skin is skin, and it will behave the way it is supposed to. However, there are things we can do to help improve the skin's function and ability to heal itself. Many times, the things we hope to change in our skin are related to the conditions mentioned in the section above, but sometimes they are different. Your skincare routine should be tailored to your specific concerns while also taking into account your skin type and any other skin conditions you may have.

How much time/effort are you realistically able to dedicate?

This may be a hard question to answer as it requires looking at your life through somewhat critical eyes. This should not shame you though, it is only a means to setting realistic goals and expectations. 

Some of us lead much more busy lives than others. Childfree influencers have almost unlimited time to dedicate to their self-care rituals, while busy moms like myself may struggle to find 5 minutes to ourselves. 

No one person's routine can be the same as another's, and that’s OK! Don’t let social media make you feel any type of way about yourself if you’re not able to sacrifice as much as someone else. Be realistic, but also be willing to put in some dedication to reach your goals.

What does your current nighttime routine look like?

This is important to consider because you are more likely to continue doing what you are already doing. It’s much easier to swap out one product for another in the same step than it is to add a new step or two. 

The things that I feel are most important to consider when designing a nighttime skincare ritual are:

  • Do you wear makeup that needs to be removed before going to sleep? This is essential and non-negotiable. Sleeping in makeup has nothing but negative effects on the skin. It prevents the skin from being able to breathe, leading to premature aging, clogged pores, and dehydration.

  • What are your skincare goals? You have to be willing to make sacrifices to get to where you want to go. Time, money, effort, and consistency are all necessary. When setting goals, be realistic with what you’re able to “sacrifice” for them. 

  • What is currently working and what isn’t? Do you love your current moisturizer but hate your cleanser? Are you using a toner but aren't sure it’s doing anything? You might want to shake up your routine, but that doesn’t mean you have to start completely over. If you’re working with an esthetician, they will recommend products that they sell. It’s ok to not want to switch everything up immediately, especially if you’re concerned about wastefulness. I always recommend my clients wait to change anything until they begin running out of their current products. 

  • What nighttime activities do you engage in that could interfere with your skincare? Going to bed with a fresh, clean face only to get sweaty and slobbery isn’t exactly the most efficient way to get to your skincare goals. I always recommend lying down with a fresh face, and then, if necessary, freshen up with a few swipes of hydrating toner and a fresh layer of moisturizer or facial oil. 

Your skincare journey is unique to you, and so should your skincare routine. If you’re ready to start reaching your goals and you’d like to work with an esthetician in the Springfield, MO area, Lively Esthetics is here to help! Schedule your facial here, follow us on Instagram, or text 417-319-4440 with any questions you might have.


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